Aug 25Liked by Clara

The fact that boeing's qc issues also extends to goddamn space flight capsules, which famously have like negative margins of error, is extremely distressing to me. What the fuck are they even doing??

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listen!! it may be irrational but i've arrived at a point where i read the flight safety foldables *very* carefully if i find myself sitting on a boeing plane :)

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Aug 25Liked by Clara

That To Do list is perfection.

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the only available recourse sometimes is a passive-aggressive to-do list and i really believe that!

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Aug 25Liked by Clara

I join you in your skepticism of astronauts and I would also add any deep sea explorers. I'm all for scientific discovery but I have zero curiosity about exploring those realms myself.

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Aug 25Liked by Clara

"I get peeved when someone unilaterally moves a dinner reservation by half an hour..." made me snort -laugh, as I am also guilty of an outsized reaction to a minor inconvenience. And, having even a *vacation* unexpectedly and unwantedly extended (as you describe) would also stress me out... so I cannot fathom how those two are coping. Wishing them peace, sanity and a safe return back to earth.

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Aug 25Liked by Clara

I was reading about them this morning and the arts did not answer my main question: what about FOOD? (And I’m with you-it seems like an absolute nightmare.)

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Aug 25Liked by Clara

Unmanned delivery

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That was my first question too!

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That was my first question too!

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Aug 26Liked by Clara

I’m a teacher headed back to school and I keep telling myself, “at least I’m not stranded in space”.

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omg THANK YOU can’t stop thinking about these astronauts lmao

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i am literally BESIDE myself, i'd be so so mad

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And they probably don’t get any reparations, right?!

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as far as i’m aware, it’s all ~part of the job~ !!

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Clara

I was feeling second-hand anxiety just reading this. I could have never made a good astronaut, or a good anything that requires high levels of tolerance of uncertainty. So basically, I'm not good at life in general but I still prefer being bad at it on earth than floating in space. Or underwater - that's another big no no for me ever since the Titanic.

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i am with you and am also obsessed because "ever since the Titanic" makes it sound like you *personally* survived the titanic

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It all comes from watching that movie at an early age and being traumatised by it. I definitely felt lucky to made it in one dry piece out of the cinema 😂

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The only part of space travel that entices me is the 5 minute scheduling increments. They have everything mapped out to 5 minute markers. I would *probably* go to space but only as an essayist. Like Nora Ephron but make it celestial.

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Honestly thrilled to have found someone who shares my deep suspicion of space and the ocean, and by association everyone who wants to venture into either.

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Aug 26Liked by Clara

Feels like there's room for this to become a Hallmark Christmas special somehow, in which we cast Boeing as the Big Bad.

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*would* watch

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Aug 25Liked by Clara

I read the to-do list in the Grinch’s voice 😂. Not only are these folks stuck in space, but it was a nightmare getting them up there. I think the mission was delayed by a month, possibly more, due to Boeing’s ~fantastic~ QC. I would have said “no thanks, I’m good” at the first delay.

Also, have you heard/read of the Polaris Dawn mission likely launching this week?! Potentially Oceangate 2.0: Space Edition.

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i have been keeping a little eye on the polaris situation because *yes* i am very suspicious

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Food sources remind me of backpacking with dehydrated light vacuumed packets. A few days fine rehydrated with water, not recycled urine shared with others . But in space got to recycle something we’ve learned slowly learned, but tastes differ and mashed potatoes may taste better. Myself , my claustrophobia would drive me to drink, but doubt there’s no tequila sunrise in space. X Files repeat’s blast away moments past. I’d not just write letters to Space X but wonder what next experiment I can do to keep busy. The world below bombs each other; space is the place that is shattered whole bread rises but flattened pita is left. The no place like home, but for some international travelers the scent is gone until Valentine’s Day. Maybe.

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Aug 25Liked by Clara

This write up on the astronauts situation is particularly hilarious

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We have to remember: Boeing got the contract because it was the lowest bidder… and now two human lives hang in the balance depending on Elon Musk to save them…will he stop undermining democracy and representative governments to focus on the two human lives that are dependent on him alone? Or will he just get bored with this project?

I don’t understand why NASA doesn’t have a whole hanger full of rescue craft all fueled up and ready to go. Why does everything have to be farmed out to big business?

Those poor astronauts! Prolonged exposure to weightlessness and high radiation levels - what kind of shape will they be in when they return

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Isn’t it farmed out to big business bc Americans consistently vote NOT to support science and technology R&D?

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Indeed, Ma’am. How right you are. The United States of America doesn’t like science and technology unless it can be used to kill dark skinned people in what Donald Trump once called shit hole countries.

The United States has a strong, broad, deep strain of anti-intellectualism, and science is an anathema to many of our fellow citizens below the Mason-Dixon Line, who think that Science teaches us that the world isn’t flat, and wasn’t made in 6 days, that we are the descendants of monkeys, that vaccines are responsible for making children gay, and that Dr. Anthony a Fauci isn’t Satan, when it’s as plain as the nose on your face he most certainly is! The Speaker of the House of Representatives, be-rouged little Kewpie Doll Mike Johnson has made it to the halls of Congress and is third in line to the Presidency in the event of some horrible misfortune and he believes every word in the Bible is true and that the world is only 6,000 years old (and probably flat). That is a special kind of anti-science ignorance that threatens all life on Earth, Christy.

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I would 1000% pretend to have seen an alien😂 But I also watch too many space horror movies and this screams first act of a Ridley Scott film.

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