Sep 17Liked by Clara

Hi! Quick plug for Moms Demand Action, a grassroots group fighting to push legislation across the finish line across the US. And please don’t let the name push you away— Moms is the name on the door but the volunteers are anyone who loves and cares for those around them. I am in illinois which has seen this group get an automatic weapons ban through in the past few years which made it one of the safest in terms of laws but we are not a monolith as we are neighbors with Indiana who is, let’s say, very lax on the laws. Federal legislation is the only way forward because one state being separate will impact the rest (thanks for the lies rugged individualists).

Moms also has a sibling group called Students Demand Action across campuses!

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Sep 17Liked by Clara

Im so sorry I am very passionate about this I can’t stop (I am also an outpatient therapist). Clara’s points on suicidality are so important. Half of firearm suicides will take place within TEN minutes of the thought and so if you have a teen at home with an unsecured firearm and no will to live- that’s a death. Everyone wants to talk about being a law abiding gun owner but those gun owners need to lock their shit up in a biometric safe that no one else can access. Additionally waiting periods are critical. Deciding to buy a gun in Indiana means you can essentially go through the drive thru and pick one up easy peasy and do whatever you want with it.

I am deeply sick of clients who have had to have firearm related trauma because this country is so deep in the 2A bullshit.

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the suicide part is so important to discuss, as both you and Clara have pointed out! I also read a study recently about suicide that showed that taking away people's means to commit suicide IS EFFECTIVE. in the study, people often has one preferred means of suicide and when that was restricted, they did not attempt! part of it is also the lethality of guns and the connection between impulsivity and suicide attempts as you've mentioned here.

I appreciate your passion about this really important topic

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Yes! This is where red flag laws are at their most effective, actually -- when people are familiar enough with them to use them, they really *do* prevent a fair amount of suicide attempts. Thank you for this!

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oh *absolutely*!! MDA and Everytown are really doing the work and I'm so appreciative. x

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Just nodding my head and wondering why, in a liberal leaning state, it is mind-bendingly difficult to get a school board to approve handing out safe storage pamphlets to parents, just to let them know about an actual law in our gun loving state about why you must safely store guns, and how that can prevent death, especially among small children. Because they're worried about gun owners feelings, not the very real possibility of a kid accidentally killing someone with a gun not properly stored.

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It is so so ridiculous because safe storage really is the bare minimum and even THAT is too much??

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Sep 17Liked by Clara

We need more of this clear, passionate, fact-based anger and less of all the softening and pandering. Thank you.

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Sep 17Liked by Clara

i absolutely HATE to "like" this post but there is no alternative form of validation, agreement or support and i want it to get enough "likes" that it will be seen to the widest audience possible. 100% to all of this writing regarding our daily horror as americans.

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Hi! I’m quibbling on one small point that, I believe, helps support your broader point. During the debate, Harris had to take time away from answering a question in order to get in a very rushed response to Trump’s comment about guns.

That was the only opportunity the entire night, and it wasn’t even an opportunity. She asked repeatedly for an opportunity to address Trump’s accusation, and was denied. So she used time from the response to the next question.

The moderation for this debate was the best we’ve seen yet, but they should have included gun control and they should have allowed her to respond to Trump’s accusation.

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Agree with you, Allison, I was just honestly pretty appalled that the little she did say was in defense of gun ownership! I'd have rather she said nothing!

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Sep 17Liked by Clara

It is exhausting to not hear the words that the majority of Americans agree with, we want gun control. I was actually bummed she said she owned a gun. I really have no good reason to, as the research shows. I'm 100% with you. I'm so sick of softening my language and filling my personal time with doing the actual research because the reality is that those who feel different are not softening their language and not educating themselves. What a wild country.

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"Why would a government govern, when it can pass the onus unto its citizens and absolve itself of responsibility, wondering “where were his parents?” before asking itself “where were the laws?” Incredible article, and very insightful to myself who lives in Canada.

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And one the main reasons gun death in Canada are so high is because of all the guns that make their way, illegally, across our border.

The US lack of gun control leads to deaths beyond their borders.

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My University sent out a survey recently asking for feedback on a new policy—allowing legal concealed carry, without a permit, everywhere on the campus (not excluding the stadiums, nor the early childhood center). I am so sickened and infuriated that this is even a conversation being had. I am tired of trying to convince people that guns are only a threat. I will never feel safe when there is a gun in the room.

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I'm Australian and I really didn't dig Kamala saying she's a gun owner. It was gross. I send my kids to school and daycare every day with 99% certainly they will not be harmed by a gun there and it is frightening to me the opposite is true in the US. Someone needs to sort it out and fast.

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You are such a great writer. I think many of your newsletters, like this one, are well worthy of publication to a national audience.

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Amen. I own a retail shop in a small (65k) city with a downtown in process of revitalization. We had a meeting this morning with downtown business owners about safety. I was sitting next to a uniformed police officer and I even struggle in that situation bring close to the officer’s gun.

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thank you this is perfectly put AND i learned (infuriating) things

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Absent a complete ban on all guns, there is no law or set of laws that will reduce gun violence.

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As a Brit with a brother living in the US it makes me angry and scared. I'm terrified about when he and my SIL have children in this already too dangerous world.

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Thank you for writing this. I continually feel that my freedom is threatened by guns and those who possess and use them to take the lives of human beings.

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